Monday, April 30, 2018

Famous Last Words: Last Time

Although I just wrote a post a few days ago, I felt I could write another due to everything coming to an end. I am so thankful for all of the extra credit in this course as it allowed me to take full weeks off when I needed to truly put forth all of my energy in one class. 

I am using this last week to rack up a few more points in order to get the grade I have been aiming for. I still can't believe how fast this semester went by. Each time I would go to put my label on a post, I would be shocked at how many weeks in we were! 

After I complete this course, I plan to devote most of my energy to my chemistry 2 final. For some reason, chemistry just takes longer to click for me. I have that final first on Monday and I know it is going to be my hardest final. I am just praying for motivation to continue to grow rather than decrease as test day comes around. I hope to manage my time and energy in order to ensure I can do my best.

I am a little upset at how my project ended up this semester, but I hit a wall when I wrote one story that wasn't so great. I find it very hard to go back and edit when I really just want to delete it and post a different story. I am thankful I tried a new method though! Last semester, I did a storybook and I feel like a portfolio was better for me in this course specifically. 

I am so thankful I was able to have 2 classes with Laura Gibbs as my instructor as she truly makes the course so interesting. She even goes beyond and provides us with extra credit that I will carry with me forever. I am thankful for all of the opportunities I have been given to learn and grow in this course and hope that others along the way appreciate it as well!

(Photo from WikiMedia).

Learning Challenge: Yoga

As finals sneak up, I thought this would be a great learning challenge. I chose to read about some yoga exercises you can do without looking like a total goofball in public. The article was called, "6 yoga exercises you won't be embarrassed to do at your desk."

I really enjoyed the open chest stretch as I tend to cave my shoulders in as I type on my laptop. It even popped my back which I love!
Speaking of popping backs, I love the twist in chair pose. I did gymnastics and then cheered and my body is usually in a lot of pain after sitting for hours to studying. Just popping my back and twisting a bit helps lower my pain tremendously!

(Photo from Public Domain Photos.)

Growth Mindset: Beyond School

I feel as though I will continue using growth mindset on a daily basis in my job later on. I want to be a physical therapist and this requires interacting with people and getting them as healthy and functional as possible. With this, I will face many challenges. I believe that I will spend an exponential amount of time teaching growth mindset in order to keep my patients motivated. I also think I will constantly be using it myself as every person is different and some exercises may take lots of trial and error.

Today, I use growth mindset to motivate myself to keep trying my best. With this same mindset in the work place, I will be able to excel to be the best physical therapist I can be!
(Photo from Flickr.)

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Learning Challenge: Time Management

I decided to read an article about time management for this week. This time of the year is always extremely stressful. Luckily, I don't have any finals on the same day, but I still want to ensure my brain is functioning at it's best for each of my finals and in the preparation process. I read, "Increase Your Creative Output With 14 Time Management Tips Just For Creatives," By Amanda Oliver. 

One thing I am terrible at is managing my energy. I think this will be crucial for me over these next 2 weeks. I often will work out before homework, for example. This then makes me too exhausted for any homework after. 

I am also going to try and wake up earlier because that is when I work best. This will help me be more productive with my time even if it's a struggle getting myself up. I am going to make this happen by telling my roommate that has class earlier than me to wake me up on her way out.

(Photo from Flickr.)

Growth Mindset: Cats

(The image is from cheezburger.)

I chose this as one of my favorites because it describes me at the moment. I get some work done and then I have to change locations to get another burst of creative energy.

(The image comes from Cheezburger.)

This is another favorite of mine because I feel like I have been paying a lot more attention now that I am getting closer to graduation. I keep noticing new things I love about the university.

(Photo by Emily Magruder.)

This was another favorite because it is my motto for these next 2 weeks as I cram some assignments I have procrastinated on in order to graduate with the grades I am aiming for. I got it!

Famous Last Words: Graduation

This week has been FULL of bitter-sweet times. As I finally allow all that I have procrastinated on catch up to me, I keep getting down as I remember I am spending my final days at OU doing homework. It's a little upsetting, but at least I can visit a few times in the summer before starting graduate school.

With these moments also comes exciting moments like graduation pictures. I felt like it was not really happening. I can't even believe how fast these last 4 years have flown by, but I am so thankful I got to spend them at the best university ever!
(A photo taken by Beverley Howze of my boyfriend, Hunter Justus, and I.)

I am hoping to get into finals mode tomorrow and try to crank out the rest of my work for this course so I can spend the remainder of my time preparing for my final on the Monday of finals week. Once I get that final out of the way, I will be able to spend a bit more time with my friends and that is all my mind wants right now.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Week 14 Story: The First Subconscious

"What do you mean you don't have a voice in your head?" Brahma asked his friend.

(Photo by WikiMedia.)

It was at this point that Brahma, a creator god in Hinduism, realized he was different from the rest of the world. He felt so different that he almost felt as though he was less than the rest.

Often times, this "voice" in his head would drive him to the point of insanity. No one had ever seen someone of such power lose control the way Brahma began to do once he realized he was different. 

Brahma would not accept his consciousness as a gift or talent. He found it to be a burden to his life as he could never sit in true silence. 

No matter how many people Brahma talked to, he could not change his feelings. No one else even understood what he was talking about in the first place, so how were they supposed to help him accept such a thing?

Could you imagine being the only person with a conscious? I would be absolutely terrified -- just as Brahma was. 

Years and years went by with Brahma kidding away from everyone. He was ashamed to act in such a way, but he could not control himself. He isolated himself in order to save the dignity of other gods. 

One day, Brahma met a woman, Sariah, passing by. She felt like an outcast from her family and was running away. Although she didn't have any true differences from the rest of the world like Brahma, Brahma stopped her to offer he a place to stay.

Brahma and Sariah stayed up all night talking about their past. It was the most fun Brahma had in a long time. She let him voice his consciousness and she found it to be the most amazing quality of his.

Weeks went by and Sariah never left Brahma's side. In fact, they began to fall in love. Finally, Brahma had found someone that cared for him and did not find him to be strange and delusional. 

A year later, Sariah was carrying their first born. Although terrified of the outcome from creating with one that in not a god, Brahma was ecstatic.

Once the baby was born, Brahma immediately saw himself in the child. This child was born with a consciousness.

Just as Brahma was about to break down, Sariah calmed him. "You finally have someone that shares your gift. This is a special time, don't be saddened."

Author's Note:
This story began when Naran wakes up and a lotus blooms from his belly button. Inside of the lotus sits Brahma. He is the child sleeping out of the mother's womb and he senses the rush of stimuli from the outside world and experiences his first interaction with nature. He recognizes himself as distinct from Prakriti. This ability comes from Purusha within him, but he does not know it yet. He simply knows he is not Prakriti. How strange it must be to be born and not know what type of species you are. All he knows it that he is not what he knows of. He objectifies nature as he becomes increasingly self-aware. The birth of Brahma thus marks the birth of human consciousness. I can't image being the first person born with human consciousness. I feel as though I would think I was going crazy.
Brahma represents consciousness that is finite; it has the ability to realize infinite consciousness which is brahman. This is the acknowledgement of the finite truth that has been unravelled. The second meaning is the aspiration for the infinite truth that awaits. 
Brahma realized that nature changes as you move and over time. Nature is described as restless as it is constantly changing. But, in the mother's womb, everything is static and comfortable.
Brahma's mind is blessed with manas or imagination. He's able to imagine a time Shatarupa dances to his whims. This gives him joy. He's also able to imagine a time when Shatarupa overwhelms him and this frightens him. Most important, he's able to imagine a time when he will not be able to experience Shattarupa. In other words, he imagines death and this frightens him the most. I can't imagine being the only one able to imagine death. I feel as though it would consume my life.

I am had Brahma feel as though he is going crazy due to his consciousness. II just zoomed in on that one factor and brought a woman into the picture to make things interesting.

The Seven Secrets of Vishnu - Mohini's Secret, Part B, By Devdutt Pattanaik.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tech Tip: Luck Graphic

As my four years at OU come to an end, I found this to be the most relatable quote. Through my years, I have worker harder than even before and, although others may think it was all luck, I am proud of my accomplishments and am ready to take on anything that comes my way!

Tech Tip: Graduation Graphic

With graduation around the corner, I felt as though this was the perfect quote. Even though my time at OU is coming to an end, it's only the beginning of my next journey. Often times, we dwell on the past, but I am excited for my next journey!

Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of Vishnu, Part B

In part B of the 7 Secrets of Vishnu, we continue learning about Mohini's Secret.

(Photo from WikiMedia).

When Naran wakes up, a lotus blooms from his belly button. Inside of the lotus sits Brahma. He is the child sleeping out of the mother's womb and he senses the rush of stimuli from the outside world and experiences his first interaction with nature. He recognizes himself as distinct from Prakriti. This ability comes from Purusha within him, but he does not know it yet. He simply knows he is not Prakriti. How strange it must be to be born and not know what type of species you are. All he knows it that he is not what he knows of. He objectifies nature as he becomes increasingly self-aware. The birth of Brahma thus marks the birth of human consciousness. I can't image being the first person born with human consciousness. I feel as though I would think I was going crazy.
Brahma represents consciousness that is finite; it has the ability to realize infinite consciousness which is brahman. This is the acknowledgement of the finite truth that has been unravelled. The second meaning is the aspiration for the infinite truth that awaits. 
Brahma realized that nature changes as you move and over time. Nature is described as restless as it is constantly changing. But, in the mother's womb, everything is static and comfortable.
Brahma's mind is blessed with manas or imagination. He's able to imagine a time Shatarupa dances to his whims. This gives him joy. He's also able to imagine a time when Shatarupa overwhelms him and this frightens him. Most important, he's able to imagine a time when he will not be able to experience Shattarupa. In other words, he imagines death and this frightens him the most. I can't imagine being the only one able to imagine death. I feel as though it would consume my life.

For this week, I am debating between 2 stories. In one story, I want to make Brahma aware of the restlessness of nature. Then, I will have nature stop to some capacity and only Brahma will be aware of it. He will then have to persuade others in order to save the world. (Similar to Noah's Ark) Another story idea is to have Brahma feel as though he issuing crazy due to his consciousness. Both seem like they would be fun to write and I am excited to see what I end up with!

The Seven Secrets of Vishnu - Mohini's Secret, Part B, By Devdutt Pattanaik.

Reading Notes: 7 Secrets of Vishnu, Part 1

This week I decided to watch some more videos! I really enjoy all of the illustrations and the story-telling method in the videos.

(Photo from WikiMedia.)

Part 1 is about Mohini's Secret. Mohini is the female version of Vishnu. Vishnu is conventionally visualized as male which I found interesting. Mohini is known as his female form. I was not aware of the fact the Hindu mythology uses gender as a vehicle to communicate metaphysical ideas. A fundamental theme in Indian metaphysics is the existence of two realities: material reality and spiritual reality. Material reality is tangible reality that can be perceived through the senses. Spiritual reality is intangible reality that can't be perceived through the sense. Material reality is represented using female form while spiritual reality is represented using male form. I found this to be extremely interesting as it seems almost backwards from the way males and females are today. Females are usually known to be more spiritual beings while males are likely to be ashamed or embarrassed if they are very spiritual. Mohini is female in form but male in essence due to her spiritual reality. Apsaras are full female forms that enchant to distract humanity from spiritual reality and entrap all in material reality. Mohini enchants to draw humanity's attention to spiritual reality within material reality. Mini is thus spiritual reality wrapped in material reality which is the central theme of Vishnu lore. This idea is fairly difficult for me to wrap my head around.
In metaphysics, material reality is known as prakriti, and spiritual reality is referred to as purusha. Prakriti means nature and purusha means human. I found it interesting that the material reality meaning translates to nature when humans are the only beings with the ability to reflect, introspect, imagine, and choose. These qualities make it possible for humans to leap beyond physical limitations. This makes human life extremely special. Material and spiritual reality are interdependent. Without material reality, spiritual reality can't be discovered. Without spiritual reality, material reality has no purpose.

Mohini's Secret - 7 Secrets of Vishnu by Devdutt Pattanaik.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Growth Mindset: Explore Growth Mindset Beyond School

I honestly did not know or apply much of the growth mindset theory to my life until I got to college and it changed my academic career. Once I learned about this, I started applying it to my everyday life and now it is just a part of how I view everything. I think this is so important in what I want to do in the long run. I want to be a physical therapist and, after an injury of some sort, it's easy to think that you will never get back. By teaching others growth mindset, I will be able to teach them to praise their process and to do their best because they can and will get better. 

(Photo from Flickr).

Famous Last Words: OU Men's Gymnastics

On Tuesday of last week, I left for Chicago to cheer on the OU Men's Gymnastics team at their National Championship. It was AMAZING! They won their fourth national championship title in a row and made history. It was my boyfriend's last gymnastics meet ever and he officially went all four years of his OU gymnastics career undefeated. The weekend was full of so many huge accomplishments and I am so proud of them!

Photo by me.

The picture above is one that I took at the meet of Yul. He also made history on his own at the meet. He made All-American on 4 of the 6 events and won the individual all-around. It was amazing getting to watch all of his hard work pay off!

With all of the excitement, I still managed to get my assignments done during the week. Unfortunately, I fell behind on my weekend assignments and that makes me a little stressed. I am thankful we are given dead week to do some work because I will definitely need to take advantage of that in order to get the points for the grade I would like in the course.

I am hoping to finish up my assignments earlier this week so I an get all of my extra credit done as well. This will make me feel a little bit better since I know things are going to get extremely busy as the end of the semester creeps up on me.

This week is, hopefully, going to be a little on the slow side. I don't have any exams and just have to take my graduation pictures. I just have to keep myself on task and make my to-do lists each day to ensure I give myself enough time. I think making lists will give me more motivation to complete my tasks so I don't end up cramming everything on one day. I am trying my best to avoid that as senioritis is at an all time high and I know that cramming everything in one day in not likely.

Tech Tip: Championship Quote

Last week, I went to the OU Men's Gymnastics National Championship meet in Chicago. Because of that, I feel it's only right to include them in my Tech Tip this week. They made history and will continue to make history.
(Photo taken by me).

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Week 13 Story: The Child Slayer

Long ago, there was an all-consuming war that swallowed the lands of India. This war was due to one specific event, but that one event was due to everything that took place -- both before and after.

How did this event take place? Grab some snacks, get comfy, and I'll tell you all about it.

There was a king that went by the name of Shantanu that was single and, apparently, ready to mingle. One day, he was in the bank of Ganga when he fell in love with a river goddess. He hoped the feelings were mutual, and they were indeed! Right then and there, he decided he would ask her to be his wife. (Yes, that's how things went back then). 

Ganga, the river goddess, said yes but made him promise to never question any of her decisions. Blinded by love, Shantanu saw no problem with that request and agreed. 

A year went by and they had their first child. Out of no where, Ganga drowned the baby and King Shantanu was very upset as anyone would be. Queen Ganga continued doing this and killed their next six children as well. Staying loyal to his promise, King Shantanu never questioned her actions. 

Eventually, the couple had their eighth child and the queen went to do to him as she had the previous children. King Shantanu finally broke and stopped her to ask why she was doing this yet again. 

This is where things start to get a little sticky in the story. I'm sure that's the last time King Shantanu will ever break his promise with a goddess. 

She informed him of the 8 Vasus who had been cursed to live mortal lies for a crime committed long ago. Ganga had agreed to give birth to the 8 celestial spirits and free them from mortality as soon as they came into the world. 

After Ganga told him the truth, she pulled out a knife and looked as though she was going to slice the baby up. In outrage and disgust, Shantanu snatched the baby and took off on his horse.

He left her and took their last remaining son as he could not bear to see her murder the small being that looked identical to himself. 

After fleeing to the opposite side of India, Shantanu and several gods banned together to take on Ganga when she arrived. Little did they know, this would be the war that goes down in history. 

(Photo from WikiMedia).

Author's Note:
This story was based on the Epified videos over Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is a story of kings and queens, heroes and villains...It's a story of an all-consuming war that swallowed the subcontinent. Mahabharata is said to be due to karma. Everything throughout is thought to occur because of what happened before and after the fact. 
The videos started with King Shantanu of Hastinapur in the bank of Ganga when he fell in love with a river goddess. Ganga, the river goddess, said yes but made him promise to never question any of her decisions. When they had their first child, Ganga drowned the baby and King Shantanu was very upset as anyone would be. Queen Ganga killed their next six children as well and King Shantanu never questioned her actions once. Once the eighth child was born and the queen was about to drown it, King Shantanu stopped her and asked her why she was doing this. She then informed him of the 8 Vasus who had been cursed to live mortal lies for a crime committed long ago. Ganga had agreed to give birth to the 8 celestial spirits and free them from mortality as soon as they came into the world. 
After Ganga told him the truth, she left him and took their last remaining son with her. The son's name was Devarat and he was a very skilled archer. 
I changed the story by making Shantanu take his son with him and then form a war between those on his side and those on her side. I also made the soy a bit more relaxed and in a story-telling format.

The Mahabharata by Epified.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Videos, Part B

Part B starts after Dhritrashtra marries Gandhari and she blindfolds herself for life since her husband is blind as well. Pandu married Kunti and Madi without knowing that Kunti has a secret in her past. Kunti's secret takes place long ago when she was growing up in her uncle Kuntibhoj's court. He adopted father loved her as his own. Durwasa paid a visit one day and he was known for his temper and habit of laying curses on people for the slightest of offense. Everyone was scared of him except for Kunti. He was delighted by Kunti since everyone else kept their distance from him. He whispered a mantra into her ear and told her it was a way for her to summon and god she wants. She did not known that when she says the mantra, the god would also give her a son. She didn't know what to do with the son but she knew she could not keep him since she was not married so she placed him in a basket and sent him away on the river. 

I feel as though I like part A to write my own story after watching the videos for part B. I think I may retell the very beginning and have the King steal the final child and run off instead of her leaving him with the child. I also may do a story where Devarat never says his oath. I feel as though both of those would be fun to change up since these stories are all based on karma and play a role in the whole story.
(Photo from WikiMedia).

The Mahabharata by Epified. 

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Videos, Part A

This week, I decided to watch more Epified videos! I really enjoyed the Krishna Comes series and am excited to learn more about Mahabharata.

I love how, in the introduction, they state how many individuals take the stories and the characters and add to it in their own ways. This makes each story so unique to each individual -- just like we are doing in this course!

I don't think I have read about the Mahabharata, so I have my captions on to get the best grip on all of the names. The Mahabharata is a story of kings and queens, heroes and villains...It's a story of an all-consuming war that swallowed the subcontinent. 

I found it very interesting that the Mahabharata is said to be due to karma. Everything throughout is thought to occur because of what happened before and after the fact. 

The videos started with King Shantanu of Hastinapur in the bank of Ganga when he fell in love with a river goddess. Ganga, the river goddess, said yes but made him promise to never question any of her decisions. When they had their first child, Ganga drowned the baby and King Shantanu was very upset as anyone would be. Queen Ganga killed their next six children as well and King Shantanu never questioned her actions once. Once the eighth child was born and the queen was about to drown it, King Shantanu stopped her and asked her why she was doing this. She then informed him of the 8 Vasus who had been cursed to live mortal lies for a crime committed long ago. Ganga had agreed to give birth to the 8 celestial spirits and free them from mortality as soon as they came into the world. 

After Ganga told him the truth, she left him and took their last remaining son with her. The son's name was Devarat and he was a very skilled archer. Shantanu saw him before knowing it was his own son when he returned to the river and Ganga came out and told him the news. Devarat was indeed his son and was trained by the warrior Parshuram and Vashishtha taught him the knowledge of the Shastras. Shantanu brought his son to his kingdom and showed the people and they were all pleased and happy for him to eventually become king. 

As time passed, Shantanu fell in love again with a fisherman's daughter named Satyavati. She refused his marriage proposal because her father believed that, even if she married him, her children would never be kings. They would always be considered second to Prince Devarat's children. He was devastated when he returned home alone and the people noticed. He stopped meeting with people and doing his kingly duties. 

Prince Devarat noticed his father's sadness and decided to go reason with the fisherman and his daughter himself. Even when he agreed to give up the throne, the fisherman would not budge. Devarat swore an oath that would eventually bring about a war that would reshape Bharatavarsha. He vowed that he would never marry or have any children. This was the time when he became known as Bhishma which means he of the terrible oath. The king was saddened when she was brought to him as he felt as though the kingdom was ruined. The king granted his son the ability to choose his own death so he would not die unless he granted it upon himself. 
(Photo from WikiMedia).

The Mahabharata by Epified.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Reading Notes: The Secrets of the Goddess, Part A

This week I chose to watch some videos. I am hoping I like them so I can continue on with these videos for the remainder of the semester.

This chapter is called Gaia's Secret. 

In the first video, we heard about male anxiety and how it is outdated. Immediately, I was interested to see what the story was about. Gaia is the Earth mother. I was shocked at how many gods and goddesses were included in this story! Gaia's son, Cronus, had to kill his father in order to live. He then goes on to kill his own sons so they do not do what he did to his father. Gaia hid one son from him -- Zeus. 

(Photo from Wikipedia).

In this video, we also heard about the story of Sedna. Sedna was a woman that was not happy in her relationship. She went on a boat with her father and they were attacked by seagulls. During the attack, he threw his own daughter overboard to save himself. He even cut off her fingers and then arms when she tried to climb back into the boat. Once cut, she sunk to the bottom of the ocean and her limbs turned into animals of the ocean.

In each of the stories, there is a recurring theme. The male is competing for a female prize. This is because woman were able to birth. For example, the female peacock picks the male with the prettiest feathers. This leaves some males without females which creates this anxiety among men. Without woman, the male may feel invalidation in the human species. As time passes, we begin to see a gradual shift in the social laws, deterioration in the status of women, and rejection of Goddess-worship in favor of God-worship. I found it interesting that there used to be tribes where all of the women only valued one male. In such female-dominated cultures, the male could not refuse the woman. Also, any man that forced himself upon a woman was killed.

The Seven Secrets of the Goddess by Devdutt Pattanaik.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Famous Last Words: Work Hard, Play Hard

This week has been fairly stressful. I had an exam on Thursday and have been studying for a chemistry exam this upcoming Thursday. In addition to my exams, several other things popped up unexpectedly.

Even though I had lots to do, I made sure to make time for relaxation. I feel as though I usually with just study for about 6 hours straight and burn myself out to where I don't have the energy to go hang out with my friends. Taking smaller study sessions and meeting up with friends for lunch or something in between has been more beneficial than I thought. Even though we are always told it, I really never have noticed a difference between when I study for a long time and when I study for a short period of time. This weekend, I feel like I retained so much more information while having fun and not being to stressed throughout the whole time.

I am a little bummed that I didn't get around to my readings or story this week, but I am trying to finish up the remaining assignments now so I can get a head start for next week. Next week I have my chemistry exam that I am struggling with, so I know that is definitely going to take priority up until Thursday. I am hoping I will continue to improve as I study so I feel more comfortable with the material and can spend some time on this class so I don't fall behind on my goals.

On the bright side, I had so much fun this weekend with my friends. On Friday, we all went to HeyDay and bowled as well as play arcade games. I haven't gone out to do something fun and silly like that in forever and we had a blast! Little bits of fun like that will keep me going over this next week!

(Image from PxHere.)

Learning Challenge: The Biology of Positivity

This week, I decided to watch a YouTube video about happiness. I chose to watch, "The Biology of Positivity," because I agree that positivity can and needs to be learned.

I love the way this video touched on a little bit of a great topic in such a powerful way. It was put together very well! 

One thing I learned is that continuing to do what you learned builds neurons. It makes sense though since you get better at things as you continue to do them.

(Image from Flickr.)

Growth Mindset: A New Theory On Human Intelligence

This week, I am watching, "A New Theory of Human Intelligence." I decided to watch this video because I feel like I haven't heard much on multiple intelligences lately and I want to see if anything has changed. This topic has always been very interesting to me. 

I have never heard about the "twice-exceptional" category and I actually found it to be very interesting as it sounds a lot like my brother! This is something that I am excited to see come together over these next few years. 

I feel like this will definitely be hard to use in schools as it is so individualized. But, I definitely see the importance of this. I love that we have access to the internet now because I feel like anyone can find out how to do their passion by simply searching.

(Image from WikiMedia).

Tech Tip: Creating a Quote

I made this using Canva. Canva has been my favorite site to use when making fun graphics like this one.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Tech Tip: Canvas Dashboard

I wish that I would have looked at this tech tip sooner! This was very helpful as most of my courses have HES as the first few figures of the name and I always click on the wrong course. Even though we are nearing the end of the semester, the simple changing of names will save me lots of frustration when I am in the HES building, which has TERRIBLE wifi, and click on the wrong course. 
I also am going to try and make more use out of my sidebar. I feel as though some of my classes don't incorporate all of our assignments in the course calendar.

Learning Challenge: Sleep

I read an article about why sleeping may be more important than studying. Most of this was familiar to me from psychology and previous studies. I feel as though sleep is a point of interest for me as my boyfriend is on the OU men's gymnastics team and they have morning practice almost everyday at 6am. I am curious to see a study done on people like this. Does this lack of sleep decrease their ability to perform? Can naps make up for lost sleep time even if you don't get into the REM sleep cycle?
Many, many questions flood my mind when it comes to brain function in general and I can't help but think about it all when reading about sleep.

Overall, I definitely got the take-away that sleep is necessary to build those neurological connections that aid in understanding material and, without it, your are making the trade-off.

(Photo from Flickr.)

Growth Mindset: Learning from Other Students

"The process of getting up from falling down was more mentally challenging than physically challenging. It was hard to get up when I knew I was going to fall."
This quote was about snowboarding and I think it applies to other aspects of my life as well. Many times when something is difficult for me, I put it off until the last minute due to fear of failure. Instead, I should acknowledge this and start early so I can fail but still have time to get help and get back on my feet.

"Every failure can be turned into a lesson."
I think this is something I sometimes struggle to see in the moment. When something goes wrong, I don't automatically think about the learning lesson from it. I hope to keep this in mind as I encounter my next failure as I feel the simple thought can help ease the anxiety that comes with failure in the moment.

(Image from PxHere.)

Famous Last Words: SLEEP

This week was one full of craziness! I had several obligations cancelled, run late, and added into my week that I was not expecting. This in addition to an assignment that usually takes me around 2 hours taking 10, made for lots of sleep lost.

I am the type of person that needs sleep to function. By, "needs sleep," I mean a full 8 hours...sometimes more!

On the bright side, some exciting things were also the cause of my lack of sleep. I was able to volunteer with the United Tissue Network in their new high school outreach program called, "Heart for Minds." In this program, we took both preserved and unpreserved hearts to a high school in Oklahoma City. Students interested in the sciences were able to come by and see human organs for their first time and do a little bit of dissecting. We also had health lungs to compare to smokers lungs, a trachea, a heart from a woman with a unique congenital heart disease, a cancerous liver, and more! The students had a blast and the volunteers had an even better time! It was so refreshing being surrounded by others that are as dedicated to helping others reach their goals and get where they want to as I do. I'm hoping they keep this program going!

A personal photo taken of me while teaching high school students about the human heart.

With this lack of sleep, I simply had to catch up. My mind felt foggy and I could not function without it. I ended up falling asleep around midnight on Friday after finishing my assignment and I did not wake up until 11am on Saturday. After waking up, I ate breakfast and fell right back to sleep until 6pm. Yep, you guessed it. At 6pm, I ate and went right back to sleep until noon on Sunday. It was AMAZING! I slept more than I was awake this weekend and I am so very thankful. I am now refreshed and ready to take on the week!

Week 11 Story: My Eyes vs Your Eyes

It was a calm afternoon in India as a group of students from the University of Oklahoma were touring a Hindu temple. Everyone was walking around looking at the beautiful works of art in awe, but no one could quite make sense of what they were looking at.

One of the students thought aloud, "How is it that this woman have a river flowing from her head, four arms, and an elephant tusk?" She wanted to learn more and understand how such an image made sense to one of the Hindu religion. Luckily, one of the locals overheard her and asked if anyone in the group knew exactly why so many of the paintings contain such unique creatures. The group went silent.

The local quickly came to the realization that thousands have probably visited his temple with the same confusion in their minds. Although the temple was beautiful and unique to those unfamiliar with the Hindu religion, there was no guidance for them to walk out with any understanding as to why everything seemed so unique to them.

He asked the group if they would be interested in a quick breakdown as to why so many of the Hindu-related art pieces are full of strange characteristics. The group came to the conclusion that this would greatly enhance their experience while visiting the temple.

The local was ecstatic that so many young scholars wanted to break beyond their confusion and truly understand what they were looking at. Because of this, he took it upon himself to show them each piece of art and explain why it is of such important to the Hindu faith. He taught them that what he has grown up seeing with his own eyes is much different then what the students had grown up seeing with theirs.

By the end of the tour, each and every person had a new outlook on far more than religious differences. The group left with a deeper understanding about how past experiences influence so much of our interpretations. 

The group of OU students decided to keep in touch with the kind local that helped them in India. As soon as they returned to the United States, they began collaborating on a project for students all over the world. The project focused on more than just learning about the Hindu religion, but learning about how you were raised can affect the way you view the world around you.

(Photo from WikiMedia.)

Author's Note:
For this week's story, I was intrigued by a video about the Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art by Devdutt Pattanaik. The video covered all sorts of Hindu Art and misconceptions people have from the outside of the religion. Although the video was full of great information, I found that the overall topic was the most important. This video made me appreciate those that are dedicated to teaching others. For example, in my story I used students touring a temple. I used this because I have been in this exact position but in Scotland. I have walked through a magnificent temple and left thinking about how beautiful it was but not exactly understanding why it was so beautiful and why it was so different from what I am used to seeing. So, this story is not really anything to do with the individual topics covered in the video (although I high recommend watching it), but rather how we should be inclined to take that step in understanding each other and how we all come from different backgrounds. 

Extra Reading: Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art

This week, things got a little bit crazy with meetings running late and being rescheduled, so I did not have time to do part B of my reading. To make up for it, I am watching a video about the Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art by Devdutt Pattanaik.

I found this to be very interesting. I learned many different things that I would not have known if it weren't for this video and/or this course.

For example, I would never thing that a portrait of a family with someone having an elephant head was resembling a higher power. I would have just thought it was an interesting art piece and nothing more. There are many small details that I did not even notice until the video explained them.

It makes sense that I wouldn't jump to this conclusion as I was not raised around them. Just as someone not raised the way I was would not understand some of my beliefs and teachings. To someone raised is this way, there isn't a second look at such an image. They do not feel the need to rationalize them as it is what they have always known.

I really like the way they described the Hindu belief of God. It is explained as a jigsaw puzzle in which each different form of their God plays a role in forming their one God.

(Image from WikiMedia.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Reading Notes: Babbitt - Jataka Tales, Part A

This week I decided to read some stories retold for children. I thought this was a great idea because I enjoyed the children stories while in Mythology and Folklore. Also, the stories contain lots of animals which I love!

I absolutely love the story of the monkey and the crocodile. It reminds me of a story I read last semester in Mythology and Folklore about an animal offering to give another animal a ride and it ending up being a trick. In this story, the crocodile's mom requested a monkey heart to eat. Her son thought of how he could possible get it without being able to climb and the monkey not being able to swim. He eventually decides that he will trick the monkey by telling him there is lots of fresh fruit on the other side of the bank and that he would be willing to give him a ride there. Halfway through, the crocodile dives down and comes up while the monkey was on his back. He told the monkey his plan and the monkey played him right back and told him that he left his heart in the tree so he would have to take him back to get it. Foolishly, the crocodile listened and the monkey went to the top of the tree where he stayed. 
The monkey moved away from that tree so he could live in peace without having to worry about the crocodile. But, of course, the crocodile found him further down the river. Where he was now, there was a rock path to a little island full of fruit that the monkey was able to hop to. The crocodile watched him make his way to the island and waited until nighttime where he planned to attack. As night came around, the crocodile slowly crept to a rock and laid perfectly still on it. The monkey immediately stopped once he got to that rock and called out to it pretending the rock normally answers. Fooled once again, the crocodile answered and the monkey acted trapped and told the crocodile to open his mouth as wide as possible so he could just jump in. The monkey knew that crocodiles close their eyes when they open their mouths wide and he jumped onto his head as soon as they closed. 
The monkey made it safe to his tree yet again and the crocodile said he would leave him alone even though the monkey knows better than to believe him.

(Image by Karen Arnold.)

Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Famous Last Words: Spring Break

This Spring Break was very nice. I got to go home to Houston for a few days and then fly to Colorado with some friends for a few days. I definitely planned to get a lot done over the break and absolutely none of that happened. I actually was okay with it since I told my friend I would drive with her from Colorado since she lives there and drove it home. I was all set and excited to get things done to make the 10 hour car ride a little productive...until I opened my laptop. My laptop was on 7%. I asked every gas station if the sold little outlets that I can plug a laptop charger into and all of them said no. I even sat in a gas station for 20 minutes on a stop to see how much I could get my laptop to charge -- nothing! It ended up being an awful ride because I was so anxious the whole time. I got home around 7:30pm and then had a meeting from 9pm-10:30pm, and here I am now.

This whole senioritis thing is SO REAL. Other than 10 hours of hardcore stressing, spring break was amazing!

(Photo from Trover).

Learning Challenge: Time Challenge

Currently, I have been cramming A LOT for this course. I have been forgetting assignments until last minute as I haven't been placing my work for this course into a specific time slot in my calendar. I try to get everything day and I really have not been going off of a schedule. It is definitely not working very well for me and is a bit stressful. I always forget about the project and writing my story because I get so tired and lose all of my creative energy. 

I think I am going to try doing my reading A on Monday, reading B on Tuesday, and story on Thursday so I have some rest time. I also am aiming to do blog comments on Tuesday, project feedback on Wednesday, and my project early on Friday. This will leave me enough time to get my extra credit done Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday. 

I am 100% going to try my best to do all of the extra credit from here on out in order to finish a little early.

(Photo from Flickr.)

Growth Mindset: Motto

This week, I chose to make a motto graphic. I love this motto and had such a great time making it into a fun graphic! I may even use this as my laptop and phone background!