Saturday, April 7, 2018

Famous Last Words: Work Hard, Play Hard

This week has been fairly stressful. I had an exam on Thursday and have been studying for a chemistry exam this upcoming Thursday. In addition to my exams, several other things popped up unexpectedly.

Even though I had lots to do, I made sure to make time for relaxation. I feel as though I usually with just study for about 6 hours straight and burn myself out to where I don't have the energy to go hang out with my friends. Taking smaller study sessions and meeting up with friends for lunch or something in between has been more beneficial than I thought. Even though we are always told it, I really never have noticed a difference between when I study for a long time and when I study for a short period of time. This weekend, I feel like I retained so much more information while having fun and not being to stressed throughout the whole time.

I am a little bummed that I didn't get around to my readings or story this week, but I am trying to finish up the remaining assignments now so I can get a head start for next week. Next week I have my chemistry exam that I am struggling with, so I know that is definitely going to take priority up until Thursday. I am hoping I will continue to improve as I study so I feel more comfortable with the material and can spend some time on this class so I don't fall behind on my goals.

On the bright side, I had so much fun this weekend with my friends. On Friday, we all went to HeyDay and bowled as well as play arcade games. I haven't gone out to do something fun and silly like that in forever and we had a blast! Little bits of fun like that will keep me going over this next week!

(Image from PxHere.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Natalie! I love getting to read Famous Last Words posts because I feel like I get a better insight into my fellow classmates' lives. I agree that this time of year is crazy busy. I hope that your chemistry exam went well! I tend to not take breaks when studying, so I hope that I can take your advice to heart!
