Sunday, March 25, 2018

Learning Challenge: Time Challenge

Currently, I have been cramming A LOT for this course. I have been forgetting assignments until last minute as I haven't been placing my work for this course into a specific time slot in my calendar. I try to get everything day and I really have not been going off of a schedule. It is definitely not working very well for me and is a bit stressful. I always forget about the project and writing my story because I get so tired and lose all of my creative energy. 

I think I am going to try doing my reading A on Monday, reading B on Tuesday, and story on Thursday so I have some rest time. I also am aiming to do blog comments on Tuesday, project feedback on Wednesday, and my project early on Friday. This will leave me enough time to get my extra credit done Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday. 

I am 100% going to try my best to do all of the extra credit from here on out in order to finish a little early.

(Photo from Flickr.)

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