Sunday, April 1, 2018

Famous Last Words: SLEEP

This week was one full of craziness! I had several obligations cancelled, run late, and added into my week that I was not expecting. This in addition to an assignment that usually takes me around 2 hours taking 10, made for lots of sleep lost.

I am the type of person that needs sleep to function. By, "needs sleep," I mean a full 8 hours...sometimes more!

On the bright side, some exciting things were also the cause of my lack of sleep. I was able to volunteer with the United Tissue Network in their new high school outreach program called, "Heart for Minds." In this program, we took both preserved and unpreserved hearts to a high school in Oklahoma City. Students interested in the sciences were able to come by and see human organs for their first time and do a little bit of dissecting. We also had health lungs to compare to smokers lungs, a trachea, a heart from a woman with a unique congenital heart disease, a cancerous liver, and more! The students had a blast and the volunteers had an even better time! It was so refreshing being surrounded by others that are as dedicated to helping others reach their goals and get where they want to as I do. I'm hoping they keep this program going!

A personal photo taken of me while teaching high school students about the human heart.

With this lack of sleep, I simply had to catch up. My mind felt foggy and I could not function without it. I ended up falling asleep around midnight on Friday after finishing my assignment and I did not wake up until 11am on Saturday. After waking up, I ate breakfast and fell right back to sleep until 6pm. Yep, you guessed it. At 6pm, I ate and went right back to sleep until noon on Sunday. It was AMAZING! I slept more than I was awake this weekend and I am so very thankful. I am now refreshed and ready to take on the week!

1 comment:

  1. I relate to this post so much right now. It is at that point in the semester where things feel likethey are piling up, and causing me to lose sleep as well. It has been worth it to this point though, and I hope it is the same for you.
