Friday, April 27, 2018

Week 14 Story: The First Subconscious

"What do you mean you don't have a voice in your head?" Brahma asked his friend.

(Photo by WikiMedia.)

It was at this point that Brahma, a creator god in Hinduism, realized he was different from the rest of the world. He felt so different that he almost felt as though he was less than the rest.

Often times, this "voice" in his head would drive him to the point of insanity. No one had ever seen someone of such power lose control the way Brahma began to do once he realized he was different. 

Brahma would not accept his consciousness as a gift or talent. He found it to be a burden to his life as he could never sit in true silence. 

No matter how many people Brahma talked to, he could not change his feelings. No one else even understood what he was talking about in the first place, so how were they supposed to help him accept such a thing?

Could you imagine being the only person with a conscious? I would be absolutely terrified -- just as Brahma was. 

Years and years went by with Brahma kidding away from everyone. He was ashamed to act in such a way, but he could not control himself. He isolated himself in order to save the dignity of other gods. 

One day, Brahma met a woman, Sariah, passing by. She felt like an outcast from her family and was running away. Although she didn't have any true differences from the rest of the world like Brahma, Brahma stopped her to offer he a place to stay.

Brahma and Sariah stayed up all night talking about their past. It was the most fun Brahma had in a long time. She let him voice his consciousness and she found it to be the most amazing quality of his.

Weeks went by and Sariah never left Brahma's side. In fact, they began to fall in love. Finally, Brahma had found someone that cared for him and did not find him to be strange and delusional. 

A year later, Sariah was carrying their first born. Although terrified of the outcome from creating with one that in not a god, Brahma was ecstatic.

Once the baby was born, Brahma immediately saw himself in the child. This child was born with a consciousness.

Just as Brahma was about to break down, Sariah calmed him. "You finally have someone that shares your gift. This is a special time, don't be saddened."

Author's Note:
This story began when Naran wakes up and a lotus blooms from his belly button. Inside of the lotus sits Brahma. He is the child sleeping out of the mother's womb and he senses the rush of stimuli from the outside world and experiences his first interaction with nature. He recognizes himself as distinct from Prakriti. This ability comes from Purusha within him, but he does not know it yet. He simply knows he is not Prakriti. How strange it must be to be born and not know what type of species you are. All he knows it that he is not what he knows of. He objectifies nature as he becomes increasingly self-aware. The birth of Brahma thus marks the birth of human consciousness. I can't image being the first person born with human consciousness. I feel as though I would think I was going crazy.
Brahma represents consciousness that is finite; it has the ability to realize infinite consciousness which is brahman. This is the acknowledgement of the finite truth that has been unravelled. The second meaning is the aspiration for the infinite truth that awaits. 
Brahma realized that nature changes as you move and over time. Nature is described as restless as it is constantly changing. But, in the mother's womb, everything is static and comfortable.
Brahma's mind is blessed with manas or imagination. He's able to imagine a time Shatarupa dances to his whims. This gives him joy. He's also able to imagine a time when Shatarupa overwhelms him and this frightens him. Most important, he's able to imagine a time when he will not be able to experience Shattarupa. In other words, he imagines death and this frightens him the most. I can't imagine being the only one able to imagine death. I feel as though it would consume my life.

I am had Brahma feel as though he is going crazy due to his consciousness. II just zoomed in on that one factor and brought a woman into the picture to make things interesting.

The Seven Secrets of Vishnu - Mohini's Secret, Part B, By Devdutt Pattanaik.


  1. Hi Natalie great job on your story! I really like how you changed the story up to make it your own, but still kept it similar to the original. I think that is one of the most important parts of creating a good story in Indian Epics. The wording you used made me feel like I was almost with Brahma while he is going through all of this. Great job on your story!

  2. Hey again, Natalie! I just finished looking through the blog post on your website, “Week 14 Story: The First Subconscious”. You really did do a great job on this story. I like how even though you had to change it up a little to make it your own, you still stayed true to the original story. Great job this week!
