Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Story Book Favorites

After browsing through several storybooks, I picked out my 3 favorites. Here is a little bit about each of them and what appealed to me!

1. Through the Page: One Girl's Journey
I think that this storybook stood out to me immediately because the display was different from any blog I had seen before. I really loved the layout and may use the same layout for my own storybook. I think this go-around I am going to focus on the visual aspect of my storybook a little more. I also really enjoyed how mysterious the introduction was. This storybook is about a different storybook that was very interesting to figure out. The introduction left you wondering for quite a bit about what the story was going to be about, but not too long to where the reader is left bored.

Surprisingly, this storybook also included a story within. I really like the idea of this as I feel like it's what I am experiencing in a way as I go through and read the stories. I also love the suspense that was built up in the intro that had me read to read more. I think that the design was simplistic which is different from the last one I liked, but I still really liked it.

This storybook grabbed my attention from the title. I did not expect what I read at all. It almost sounded like Cupid was the main character. I liked the familiarity of the introduction because it was almost as though I personally know "Dr. Love." They built up the plot just enough to get me wanting to read on and that' the best kind of introduction in my opinion!

I'm so excited for yet another semester of creating my own storybook!

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