Monday, January 29, 2018

Growth Mindset: Learning with Passion and Enthusiasm

For my first Growth Mindset activity, I decided to watch I video. I actually found the video I wanted to watch through my extra credit commenting that I did on a fellow classmate's blog. 

The video I watched was, "Learning with Passion and Enthusiasm."

Something I learned was the fact that our brain learns better when we are excited and enthusiastic about the content we are learning. Although, after thinking about it, it seems obvious, it sparked much more thought in my brain. Does this mean that we aren't exponentially talented in one area of study, but rather we are just more interest in it which makes learning about it come more naturally? This is something I am curious to explore more. I am going to try finding something in my chemistry 2 course that interests me and see if that material then seems "easier" to me. 

(Photo from Flickr.)

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