Sunday, January 28, 2018

Feedback Thoughts

The first article that I read was, "Eight Things Students Should Do When They Make A Mistake." From the get-go, I was drawn in. I love that they started with the fact that being wrong can get you where you need to be. I feel as though that is was never stressed to me when I got things wrong in school or in extracurriculars when I was young. It's okay to be wrong, because that means you can fix it and get closer to being right rather than not trying at all. Another thing that stood out to me was "imposter syndrome." I definitely have this whenever I do something wrong. I feel as though everyone around me is doing way better than me (even if they mat actually be doing the same or worse) and it is very discouraging even though it's made up in my head. I feel as though being open and realizing that everyone makes mistakes and that this was just a learning experience will help as well as realizing that this exists. 

The other article that I read was "14 Signs Your Perfectionism Has Gotten Out Of Control." I chose this because projects often take me so much time and energy because I restart them -- even if I know it's perfectly fine as it is. I definitely related with all of the things mentioned in the article and am going to work at noticing these things in my own life. I definitely wait until last minute all the time because I know that, if I start early, I will just spend even more time on whatever is due and still turn it in very last minute from all of the fine-tuning. I am hoping to be better about this in this class...starting this upcoming week!

(Image from Flickr.)

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