Thursday, January 18, 2018

My Final OU Introduction

As you can see, my name is Natalie and I am officially in my last semester at OU!

My major is Health and Exercise Science with a minor in Psychology. I am excited to finally be able to say that I will be attending Texas Woman's University in the Fall as a student in their Doctor of Physical Therapy program. My favorite thing about my major is the fact that it applies to each and every one of us. There is nothing better than becoming more informed about how intricately made each and every one of us are from the inside out.

Last semester, I was sick ALL the time. I think that the stress of applying to graduate school on top of my heavy course load and work took a toll of my body. Because of this, I spent most of Winter Break going to doctor appointments to see what's wrong with me and we are in the process of figuring it all out. Don't worry...I got to have some fun as well! I went to Boulder, Colorado for a few days and got to go explore Denver and snowboard in Breckenridge which was a blast!

Although I can't pick one book to favor, I do have a favorite author. Every single book I have read (by choice) since freshman year at OU has been by James Patterson. He is my favorite author and I can never put down a book of his once I pick it up.

The one thing I miss the most when I leave home is my Golden Retriever, Duncan. I tried to bring him up during the summer when I moved into my first apartment, but he would whine nonstop anytime I left, so it was temporary. He is always by my side when I am at home and I even thought about getting him certified as a service dog so I could have him by my side here in Norman. 

This image is an oldie, but it remains to be one of my favorites. I took it in high school before leaving for class one morning. (2013)



  1. Hi Natalie! My name is Chelsea Journee and I am in your online Indian Epics class. Congratulations on getting into Texas Women's University! It's crazy how fast time goes by in college I graduate in a year so I can't even imagine what it is like to have one semester left at OU. Your dog is beautiful and I completely understand how you feel about leaving him at home. I hate leaving my dogs at home away from me at college. Good luck and enjoy your last semester at OU!

  2. Natalie, first and foremost, congrats on being accepted into your doctoral program at Texas Women's! What an achievement. I too am graduating in May, but in all honesty, have no clue what I will be up to once May rolls around. I try not to think about it if I don't have to! Also, your dog Duncan is precious. I have a dog, Pookie, who is like my baby, so I understand how hard it is to leave them for school.

  3. Hi Natalie! That is so great that you are graduating soon! Congratulations on getting into the Physical Therapy program! I am so happy for you! I was sick almost every single month last semester! I definitely understand how you felt. Your trip to Colorado sounds fun! I am glad you still got to de-stress a bit during winter break. James Patterson is one of my favorite authors too! Duncan is tooooo adorable!

  4. Hey Natalie! Congrats on getting accepted into you program in Texas!! I know how hard it is trying to find the right school to go to. I graduate soon as well, and I decided that it was best for me to also continue to graduate school. I hope that this semester you are able to enjoy your last months at OU.

  5. Hello Natalie!

    Congratulations on your program! I know applications can be pretty tedious. I have some friends who are also wanting to be Physical Therapists! It's a great field to work in. I've never been to Colorado, which is crazy since Oklahoma is right next to it, but I've always heard good things about Breckenridge! I hope you have a great last semester at OU!

  6. Yo Natalie, congrats on your last semester! That's crazy you went to boulder while ill. I guess you could say your shredding was pretty sick. I love Breckenridge, such a huge and gorgeous mountain. I also went snowboarding, but it was in NM where the snow was pretty scarce. Good luck in Grad school I know that can be very stressful!

  7. Hi Natalie! Congratulations on being accepted to the program! I love psychology so much that I decided to major in it! I'm sorry you were sick over the break but I'm glad you had to opportunity to take a break and visit Colorado! I love it there and I would go back there in a heartbeat! It is such a beautiful state and I love the mountains!

  8. Hello Natalie, congrats on your final semester at OU and your acceptance to the PT program. I hope you are ready for a life of people everywhere asking you questions about why they hurt, if they don't already do that. Hopefully you health is much better for the rest of your studies, rather than being a constant hindrance.

  9. Hey Natalie! Congratulation on your final semester at OU. Its good to hear that you got accepted into your PT program! I am also aiming to be physical therpist myself! I also want to visit Colorado, I heard the view is amazing there.

  10. Hi, Natalie! That is awesome that you are going to be a PT! My best friend is in her second year of PT school and she totally loves it, Im sure you will too! I have a golden too, she is sitting beside me as I write this, actually. Im looking forward to reading more of your blog.

  11. Hello, Natalie reading about yourself was nice to hear that you got accepted into Texas Woman's University in the fall and I feel your pain with applying to a program because I am in the same boat right now with applying to a Vet program, I try to keep calm because I do not want to overwhelmed. But congrats on getting accepted to a program in Texas.

  12. Hey Natalie,
    Congrats on getting into PT school that's awesome. I have a large amount of friends trying to get into PT school right now, and they're are super stressing over it as it's very competitive, as I am sure you know. I love that you're getting a psychology minor. My parents met doing their P.H.D.'s over some form of psychology in grad school at UNC. It is really interesting to learn about the human mind and it definitely help to understand why people do certain things.

  13. Hey Natalie,
    Congrats on making it to your last semester and getting into PT school! And I'm sorry that you were sick so much last semester, that sucks and I hope you figure out what it is. I've tried to look into registering my dog as a service dog, but he probably wouldn't be very good at it. I hope you spend less time at the doctor this semester!

  14. Hey Natalie! I too am in my last semester and it feels good to see a finish line! Duncan looks like a really nice dog and I'm sure he would like to be a service dog. I think it is pretty cool you are getting a Psychology minor because I have always thought the subject was interesting and probably should have done one! Good luck with the rest of this class and your last semester!

  15. Hello Natalie!

    That must feel awesome to be in your final semester of your undergraduate career. Time really flies! I am a psychology major and I think it's awesome how we are pursuing similar interests in the health field! I love the picture you used for your post. Dogs are seriously the best creatures on earth. Best of luck with your final semester and good luck becoming a physical therapist.

  16. Hi Natalie, it is nice to meet you! Congratulations on graduating this semester and getting accepted into the PT program that you applied for! I am extremely sorry that you had to spend Winter Break going to doctor appointments, but I hope by now that the doctors were able to help you figure everything out and deliver some good news. I have never been to Colorado but I know it is definitely a hot spot for Winter and Spring Breaks. I have never heard or read any books by James Patterson - do you have a book that you would recommend to people to read? I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and congrats again on the amazing accomplishments! :)

  17. Hey Natalie! Congratulations on graduating soon, I know I'm counting down the days! I hope that you've gotten some answers to the health problems you've been having. James Patterson is one of my favorite authors, his books keep me on the edge of my seat! Your dog is so cute, my dog is really bad about crying when I leave too and it just breaks my heart!

  18. The last semester is always bittersweet, I think. I'm also in my last semester at OU, although I still need to finish up a couple of spanish classes (doing that at a community college, though - cheaper!). It's nice to meet you, and I wish you the best of luck as you go on to what seems like a very interesting (and maybe quite difficult!) field of study.

  19. Hi Natalie thank you for sharing with us. I completely understand stress causing health issues, I had a semester in October 2016 where anxiety was causing me to be physically ill. I'm really happy to hear you are doing better! Also happy to hear you have a dog, he is adorable! I have two and they are definitely the joy to my day. I hope you have a great last few days of the semester! I hope your studies take you to incredible places!

  20. Hi Natalie!
    Well here we are the last 2 weeks of school before finals. I understand stress causing health problems, that has been he for the last 4 years or so.Like you I am on my last semester here at OU and in general so I am really looking forward to these next few weeks. Do you and your family have any big plans to celebrate? Best of luck to you in grad school chasing your dreams !! Good luck these next two weeks.

  21. Hey Natalie! Wow it's been a while since work crew right? Glad to see that all is well! Congrats on getting into grad school, that's a big step after graduation and I know that you're gonna kill it! I love your dog too, big fan of golden retrievers. Good luck on the rest of the semester and grad school!

  22. Hi Natalie! Congratulations on getting into grad school and with graduating in just a couple weeks! My roommate has a golden retriever living with me in Norman right now and he is one of my favorite parts about being here. I'm glad that you are not as sick this semester and good luck with graduating and moving to Dallas!

  23. Hi, Natalie!

    I cannot believe it is the end of the semester and I am just getting to read your intro but congrats on getting into the Physical Therapy Doctor Program! I hope this semester has been less stressful and less sick-filled. Hope graduation is great and that you get to spend lots of time with Duncan this summer, he is such a cutie!

  24. Hey there, Natalie! I just finished looking through the introduction on your website, “Indian Epics with Natalie”. I really like how you included all of this information about yourself, it really helps the reader get to know you better, and in the long run I feel like this will help the reader better understand your writings and why you write things in the manner that you do.
