Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Extra Reading: Crash Course Mythology - Ramayana

I decided to watch the Crash Course Mythology video over Ramayana because I am interested in the background information and getting an overview of it all. 

This video was SO helpful at getting a quick run-down of all that is going on for someone like me that is unfamiliar with the topic. I also enjoyed having visuals along with the information as I feel this will help me visualize the stories coming to life as I listen/read them. For example, I had no idea that Rama was blue! I also did not know that this stemmed from the Hindu religion and appears still in other religions such as buddhism. 

Although the video went VERY fast, I was able to catch many little bits and pieces of stories that I have already read which was very neat. I also am excited to hear and recognize more and more as I continue to read. 

(Photo screen-shotted from the Crash Course video.)

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