Sunday, March 25, 2018

Famous Last Words: Spring Break

This Spring Break was very nice. I got to go home to Houston for a few days and then fly to Colorado with some friends for a few days. I definitely planned to get a lot done over the break and absolutely none of that happened. I actually was okay with it since I told my friend I would drive with her from Colorado since she lives there and drove it home. I was all set and excited to get things done to make the 10 hour car ride a little productive...until I opened my laptop. My laptop was on 7%. I asked every gas station if the sold little outlets that I can plug a laptop charger into and all of them said no. I even sat in a gas station for 20 minutes on a stop to see how much I could get my laptop to charge -- nothing! It ended up being an awful ride because I was so anxious the whole time. I got home around 7:30pm and then had a meeting from 9pm-10:30pm, and here I am now.

This whole senioritis thing is SO REAL. Other than 10 hours of hardcore stressing, spring break was amazing!

(Photo from Trover).

1 comment:

  1. Girl I feel you on the senioritus. I am struggling with that too, but it’s more out of like a panic than laziness. I’m SO CLOSE TO FINISHING I am terrified I’ll fail and have to retake a course. Ugh!
    I’m so sorry you had a rough ride home! I wish car chargers could charge laptops. I work primarily on my iPad so I can find a charger almost everywhere.

    Good luck in the rest of the semester!

