Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Week 8: Reading and Writing

Overall, I think that the reading assignments have been going really well for me. Some of the Ramayana readings definitely were a little harder to dissect than other, but overall I am really enjoying the readings. As far as my writing goes, I feel as though I could use some improvement. I always ready other people's stories and they seem so creative and flow very well. I always have issues making my stories flow. Since I have only read Ramayana, this is my favorite. Within the series of readings, I think that my favorites are the time in between Sita being kidnapped and saved. I definitely think that my notes have been helping with my writings. I write mini summaries and key points that stand out to me for each story and then elaborate on my favorites that I think may turn into my own story. I really enjoy listening to the readings so far and hope to do so far the remainder of the semester. 

As far as my project goes, it is definitely a work in progress. I can't quite tell if I am happy with it yet as I feel like it needs one more story first since I am a little behind. I am definitely glad I chose to do a portfolio this semester. 

I think that my biggest accomplishment in my writing for this class is the time it has taken me to complete each writing I do. Last semester in Mythology and Folklore, I would write about 500-600 words of a story and then decide I didn't like where it was heading and would start completely over. I usually did that at least once, maybe twice, per story. This added so much time and it really didn't make the writings any better. This semester, I have been trying my best to just go with the flow and do a bit more organizing in my head before getting to work. 

(Photo from WikiMedia).

This is my favorite image because it shows Rama's beautiful blue color. I also love all of the jewels and details on the picture. It really reminds me of the last half of the semester I spent learning more and more about Ramayana.

Looking forward, I hope to do my readings and notes all in the same sitting. There were a few times where I took a long break in between and kind of forgot where I left off and I had to do some backtracking. Other than that, I am just excited to see what else I get to read! 

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