Thursday, March 8, 2018

Week 8: Comments and Feedback

Overall, I feel like that quality of the comments that I have received have been amazing. I really appreciate all of the feedback and the fact that many provide solutions and suggestions to help me improve my writing. I think that those comments are the most useful to me since they point out something I can do better and get me on the way to making the change.

I feel as though my quality of feedback has been good, but not great. I need to focus more on really providing feedback on the writing instead of just pointing out all of the bits I thought were amazing. So many people in this course are so very talented, so I struggle with finding mistakes of any sort. I think I could be more useful by providing suggestions. 

I definitely feel like I am getting to know people through comments. I am happy with my introduction post and think that it allows people the opportunity to know me a little better. I do wish that we could reply back and forth through comments like FaceBook or something.

I chose this picture because I really appreciate the feedback I get. It helps me see how my writing can improve through little adjustments along the way. Without feedback, it's sometimes hard to know where to start with improvement. Just having a simple suggestion gets my wheels turning on what I can tweak.

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