Thursday, March 1, 2018

Week 7 Story: Victory at Last

It was a rainy afternoon in Norman, Oklahoma, and there was yelling that could be heard throughout the library. 

"No, Jimmy! I am done with you!" Yelled a small, but powerful college woman named Jane as she stormed away with her arm linked to another man's. 

Jimmy broke down in tears right outside of The Bookmark. He didn't know what he had done. All he knew was that he loved Jane with all his heart and he did not every want to live life without her.

After recomposing himself, Jimmy headed home to cry in peace. As he laid on his bed watching Netflix, he scrolled through Instagram hoping that something would make him forget about everything.

"You're kidding!" He yelled as he came across his own post of him photoshopped with another girl. He was sharing with anger as he knew that man must have hacked his account just to steal Jane away from him.

Jane wouldn't answer any of Jimmy's calls, so he went straight to the new man who goes by Joe.

Jimmy called Joe to a battle to see who really loves Jane the most.

With confidence, Joe brought up the messages between him and Jimmy and asked Jane if she would agree to hosting a campus-wide event to prove that he is the one for her.

Jane agreed and the date was set.

A week passed by and it was finally, "Who loves Jane more," day. Jimmy put on his nicest clothes and headed to the library for the big showdown. 

Question after question and statement after statement, Jane's eyes slowly drifted away from Joe and over to Jimmy. She was starting to wonder whether or not Jimmy was telling the truth about being hacked.

At he intermission, Jane called her computer science friend and asked him to dig deeper and see if he could trace where the Instagram post came from. 

As the final round was coming to a close, Jane's phone rang and she put a pause on the game to go answer. It was her computer science friend.

" messed up. Jimmy loves you so much and you know he would never do anything like this to you. I will send you documentation ASAP proving that he was indeed hacked...BY JOE." The computer science friend explained before hanging up.

Jane broke down in tears and roasted Joe in front of everyone and then gave Jimmy a public apology.

After that, Jimmy and Jane lived happily ever after and she never doubted his loyalty again.

(Photo from PixaBay.)

Author's note:
In my story, I basically just took the relationship between Rama and Sita and twisted it in every way, shape, and form. I made Rama and Sita college students and made the female in the relationship one that was no where near as loyal as Sita was to Rama. I did not even know where this story was going as I wrote it and it ended up way far from anywhere I imagined it going. 
In the actual story series of Rayamana, Rama is in love with Sita. Sita is later kidnapped while Rama is on a mission. As time passed, she never once betrayed Rama and refused to listen to the powerful, evil king who stole her away and offered her a luxurious life with him.

Rayamana, Part D. Sources used: M. DuttR. DuttGouldGriffithHodgsonMackenzieNiveditaOmanRichardson, and Ryder.


  1. I couldn't help but smirk at this story! It is interesting and funny because it is such a modern day love story. I'm glad that it was all resolved in the end for Jimmy and I feel like Jane shouldn't have left him for another guy so quickly and he should maybe even be mad at her. You did a great job keeping the reader fully entertained!

  2. What a funny story! The ending is interesting and while I always love "happily ever after"'s, I think it would be useful to describe what this means for the two lovebirds. I also admire the way you transformed Rama and Sita into college students because this allows the entire story to be more creative. Thanks for a great read!

  3. I love how modern you made this story and added in familiar elements! Netflix, Instagram, and even the Bookmark! I think it's effective the way you started the story mid break up instead of setting it up with backstory. I was immediately interested and still knew everything I needed to know!

  4. I enjoyed your modern take on Sita and Rama's love story! I especially loved how you set the setting to be at OU and the Biz because that is something that we, your fellow classmates, can truly envision. Your story brought the love story of Rama and Sita to modern day to become one that we can relate to. Great story!
