Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Reading Notes: Krishna Comes - Episodes 11 to 20

I found episode 11 to be very interesting. Growing up with a Christian mom and Jewish dad, my view of the creator of the earth is someone that would give up their life for us and that wants the best from us. Brahma on the other hand finds is humorous that Krishna is sharing food with those below him. I thought it was great that Krishna noticed that he was being tricked and decided to play right back by turning himself into the missing cows and friends. I find it amazing that his body could withstand this for a whole year. I also found it interesting that it was "just a few moments" to the gods, which was equivalent to a year for normal humans. I think that I could retell this story and make everyone that was stolen come back with anger. Instead of trying to get them back, Krishna simply replaced them with himself. I think this could easily have happened and would be a great way to change up the story a bit. Maybe even Krishna could feel some sort of physical pain from living as so many for so long. 
(Photo from Flickr.)

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