Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Reading Notes: Krishna Comes - An Introduction

This week, I am excited to try out some videos as my reading. I am watching Krishna Comes.

In the introduction, I was a little confused at the beginning who the enemies were that were trying to keep Krishna from being born and then from growing up. I thought it was amazing that, even though such enemies were always after him, he continues to help those in need and stay close to his loved ones. I was shocked that no one else knew that he was not a part of their world. I was a little confused by this, but I think the other readings will clarify.

In Episode 1 - Kamsa, we learn that Krishna was the birth of the Pandavas. We also learn that the king, Kamsa, is one of the evil figures and he is told that his cousin's 8th child will slay him. I find it so interesting that no one even would have taken a second thought at having 8 children. I was shocked when Kamsa thought about killing his own cousin right then and there. Instead, he let them live and put them in prison. I am not sure which would be worse -- going to prison for something out of your control or being killed. Either way, their lives were taken from them. I can't imagine the cruelty of all that Kamsa did to his own cousin. He killed every single child they birthed right in front of them in horrific ways. I'm not sure why they continued having children after seeing the first one smashed against the prison wall.
I think that I may retell this story and have the cousin forced to birth until her eighth child. In my opinion, this would make more sense then someone giving birth and watching each child get murdered by someone of the same blood.

(Photo from WikiMedia)

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