Sunday, February 25, 2018

Famous Last Words: PROcrastinator

WELP. After a week of productivity and trying to get ahead, those snow days put me on vacation mode. I definitely was not as focused over those free days and am suffering those consequences now. I am going to do some extra credit tonight as I feel it is too late for me to do my weekend assignments to the best of my ability. Hopefully, I will wake up early and get to work so I can finish up those assignments before the grace period ends. I have already done half of the project assignment and made some edits, but I need to do an edit challenge. I also need to do my project feedback and blog comments. Whether I complete all of them or not, I am hoping this extra credit will ensure I don't fall behind in the course. I would like to be at least a week ahead, but I am definitely behind on that goal at the moment.

On the bright side, I have learned a lot by taking my time on my revisions for my project. I did not realize how often I use passive language where simply rearranging my sentence and changing my passive verbs to active make such an impact on the overall story. I hope to be more aware of this as I write future stories in order to make them stronger. I know it takes practice and this is the perfect place for that!

(Photo taken by me at the OU Men's Gymnastics meet on Saturday, February 24th).

Besides that, I did have a great week. I made Oreo balls for the first time since sophomore year which was a blast. I used to bake all the time and I forgot how much fun it can be. I also went to the women's gymnastics meet on Friday and the men's gymnastics meet on Saturday which is always a good time. Our gymnastics teams are both so talented and deserve SO much more recognition than they get.

1 comment:

  1. Hello again Natalie! I had no idea you were in the Epics of India class this semester (or maybe I knew but I have forgotten, senior brain I suppose!). I feel the getting into vacation mode and falling behind. I have had a pretty light semester, which has put into an eternal vacation mode and unable to really get into gear for the big things. Wishing I could have also made Oreo Balls over the break as that sounds absolutely delicious!
