Monday, February 19, 2018

Famous Last Words: Rest

The week before last was a crazy one! In order to get all of my assignments for other classes, I put this course on the back burner. I am happy to say, I jumped right back up and completed all of my assignments this weeks and completed plenty of extra credit as well!

I spent most of my weekend relaxing and getting ahead in some of my other classes to ensure I have enough time to tackle this course. I have a feeling it's going to be a great week!

My goal for this week is to get just as much, or more, done as I did last week. I am also hoping to finish some of my other class assignments a tad bit earlier so I am able to go get help in office hours if needed. Nothing is worse than spending hours struggling on an assignment that you know would be so easy if you just had a few minutes of help.

Other than that, I don't have too many exciting plans. I may go see an OU theater show this week since my friend is in it and they are always amazing. All of my plans will just depend on how much I end up getting done throughout the course of the week.

Another goal of mine is to get back to working out this week. I have been doing very well this semester, but I took most of last week off in order to get all of my school assignments done without causing myself too much extra stress. I know this will be a struggle becasue I have been so sleepy lately, but I am making it a priority. I feel as though I have more energy and motivation when I have my workout routine in place.

Other than that, life is great and I am excited to see how this week goes!

(Photo from PixaBay.)

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