Sunday, February 4, 2018

Topic Research: All About Ramayana

I am thinking about going with a portfolio this semester so I can have more room to explore different topics. Since I want to do my project over Ramayana, there are so many different options!

For one story, I definitely want to try and retell the story from the animal's point of view. I think that the story of Rama and the squirrels would be a perfect story to use for this. I love animals and know that this will be a blast for me! I may change my mind to a monkey story later depending on how the story unravels...we'll see!

(Photo from Pexels).

Another story I think would be great is retelling the love story between Rama and Sita. I am not quite sure what twists and turns I want to throw in since I am not quite far enough into the story, but I will keep that in mind as I read more.

Lastly, I think it would be fun to have a story that includes the horse sacrifice in some way since I saw it so many times in my first reading already. I feel as though I could make the horses come together and destroy whoever keeps trying to sacrifice them. This may be a good one for the story about the king and his effort to gain sons of his own

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