Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Reading Notes: Ramayana, Part D1

In The Bridge, I wonder why the God of Ocean sacrifices did not work when Rama performed them. As I read, I am amazed with just how much power Rama seems to have. Will he truly be able to dry up the waters of the sea? I guess so since they listened and Nala constructed a bridge named after Rama. I feel as though I can make this into a story where Rama thinks he hold this much power, but then is defeated by the Ocean.

In Rama Attacks, I was shocked that the monkeys returned to tell Ravana of Rama's power and that he still refused to surrender Sita. I was also surprised when Ravan faked Rama's death to Sita, bringing her a bow and head that resembled his. I was very glad that they vanished after he left for war and Sita knew him well enough to know it was an illusion.

In Indrajit, I did not think all of the monkeys and rakshasas were doing to fight as well with Rama, Sugriva and Ravana. I am also curious as to why the rakshasas are strongest at night. I was very worried once Ravana's brother, Indrajit, injured Rama and Lakshmana. But, luckily Garuda came and restored their lives and told them that they will rise up and succeed.

In Kumbhakarna, the rakshasas awoke Kumbhakarna, the mightiest of all demons. They danced and made loud noises all around him, but he would not wake up until a beautiful woman caressed him. He was angry when he woke up as he usually sleeps for 6 months and only wakes up for one day. When he woke, he was ready for a large meal and started eating everything and then asked where the apes are so he could eat them too. He went on his was to find them and the apes were terrified, but Sugriva got them all together to fling items at him. None of those phased him and he defeated Hanuman and seized Sugriva. Kumbhakarna went against Rama which Rama responded to by flinging flaming arrows at him until he fell into the ocean injured.

In the mountain, Ravana became worried about defeating Rama. Indrajit vowed that he would slay both Rama and Lakshmana that day and performed sacrifices that provided him with more weapons in addition to being invisible. Rama saw him and counseled a semblance of defeat leading Indrajit to go home to Lanka victorious. Jambavan called to the wind-god's son for the 4 life-giving herbs from Himalaya, king of mountains.Hanuman leaped across the ocean, but the herbs were hidden from him and he uprooted the whole mountain in frustration and brought it to heal the monkeys and they rose up as if they had just taken a nap.He then returned the mountain to Himalaya and returned to Lanka.

In Lakshmana and Indrajit, Indrajit was angry and sent a message to Rama saying he would slay Sita. But, Rama was reminded that he would never do this as Ravana wants her as his spouse. Vibhishan went against his people and was shunned.

I think that I may mix some of these stories with the wind gods and their inability to lie and maybe have Sita ask them if it was true that Rama had been killed and then to maybe deliver him a message. I am still deciding as I need to read the last 10 stories. I feel as though these had much more action making it almost overwhelming with all of the ideas I have floating around! I am excited to write my story tomorrow and see what I can come up with.

(Photo by WikiMedia.)

Rayamana, Part D. Sources used: M. DuttR. DuttGouldGriffithHodgsonMackenzieNiveditaOmanRichardson, and Ryder.

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