Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Reading Notes: Ramayana, Part B1

(Photo from WikiMedia).
For this week, I am reading part B of Ramayana.

I really enjoyed the very first story about Dasharatha's death. I found it so interesting how each individual responded to the events at hand. One was calm and almost showed no mourning while the other dropped to his knees and wanted to kill Kaikeyi.
I feel as though if I were to re-tell this story, I would tell it only about Bharata and his feelings as he heard this news.

I also enjoyed hearing about the funeral in the next story. I think I could tie this into my story as well.

In the story of Rama and Bharata, I love what Jabali says. He tells them that they do not need to obey the king any longer for he is dead. It was full of lots of beautiful poetry that honestly got me thinking as well about real like and people that have regrets and such after one passes.

In the next story, I found it beautiful that Bharata went into the jungle with his brother and stayed loyal to the wishes placed upon him.

Rayamana, Part B. Sources used: M. DuttR. DuttGouldGriffithHodgsonMackenzieNiveditaOmanRichardson, and Ryder.

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